Blogging has been non existent lately, due to having too much else to do, but I have been reading. And here is a selection:
Government fiddling with fracking law – tap water at risk.
Confirmed: California Aquifers Contaminated With Billions Of Gallons of Fracking Wastewater
Fracking Is Not Right for Today's Families or Tomorrow's Environment
World’s Largest Indoor Farm is 100 Times More Productive (than what, you might ask. It turns out the answer is "than traditional methods".)
Plastics in the Ocean Affecting Human Health
US-EU trade deal - the Guardian briefing - if you don't know about TTIP, you really should. Some say it's all about free trade, others that it is about corporate dominance. I'm more with the latter than the former.
With this attack on community energy the big six win out over 'big society': George Monbiot
Government green lights record-breaking Dogger Bank offshore wind farm
Government fiddling with fracking law – tap water at risk.
Confirmed: California Aquifers Contaminated With Billions Of Gallons of Fracking Wastewater
Fracking Is Not Right for Today's Families or Tomorrow's Environment
World’s Largest Indoor Farm is 100 Times More Productive (than what, you might ask. It turns out the answer is "than traditional methods".)
Plastics in the Ocean Affecting Human Health
US-EU trade deal - the Guardian briefing - if you don't know about TTIP, you really should. Some say it's all about free trade, others that it is about corporate dominance. I'm more with the latter than the former.
With this attack on community energy the big six win out over 'big society': George Monbiot
Government green lights record-breaking Dogger Bank offshore wind farm