Sunday, 27 November 2011

Food for thought

Christmas is coming and the business of shopping for it is not too far away.

Christmas is a time of cheer, feasting, and usually lots of leftovers. It's estimated that we in the UK will throw away around 230,000 tonnes of food this Christmas. Low Carbon Ringmer's handy guide to Christmas eating will help you save waste and save money.

1) Be realistic. Conquer the fear of not having enough which makes you put far too much on the table.
2) Plan ahead. Use a shopping list and resist the temptation to buy extras.
3) Smaller portions. At mealtime you don't need to pile each plate high. People can always go back for a second portion. And a third.
4) Self service. If your guests fill their own plates, they're likely to take as much as they want, not more.
5) Store leftovers safely. Two hours is enough for hot food to cool before going into the fridge; then it's available for other meals.
6) Compost everything you safely can. Vegetable and fruit peelings, leftover veg that isn't going to be used - in the compost bin, not the waste bin.
7) Create new meals. If you're anything like us, you end up with a chunk of turkey, some mashed potatoes, and a bowl of tomato and courgette salad. That makes a meal. "Turkey on a bed of mash with tomato and courgette trimmings."

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 Duckboard at the Pells

 Ringmer - it's a gorgeous day

Still gorgeous - fantastic clouds

But still stuck.